How to Form a Chapter

How to Start a Brownie Mary Democratic Club in Your County


  1. Contact your local Democratic Central Committee. To locate your county's Democratic Central Committee, go to
  2. Call or email the chairperson and tell them you want to form an interest group - in this case a marijuana interest group with the name "Brownie Mary Democratic Club of _____________ County". They will tell you what you need to do to form the club. Printed below is most likely the steps they will tell you to do, but each Central Committee may have different or additional requirements.
  3. Collect the signatures of 20 registered Democrats in your county on BMDC application forms. It is best to obtain at least 30 signatures to compensate for people who may not be properly registered. Here is a link to a Sample Application Form.
  4. The people filling to the application forms must be registered Democrats in your county. If they are not registered, you may pick up some Voter Registration forms from the Registrar of Voters or at your local post office. 
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