No Time to Lose on 64 - Demand Dems Implement ASAP with Booth & Meet Room at CaDEM Executive Bd. meet

The big winner of the 2016 Election was marijuana with four states legalizing adult-use marijuana and four states legalizing medical marijuana. California voters passed Prop. 64 with 56% of the vote and the CA Democratic Party, with its full throated support, was responsible for the margin of victory.


sacramento_prop._64_highway_sign.jpgMost importantly is that the state legislature must enact implementing legislation. With its control of the state legislature, the Democratic Party is the key to implementing Prop. 64 in a way that is fair and will carry out the intentions and spirit of Prop. 64.


This is why it is absolutely crucial that we have a major presence at the CaDEM Executive Board meeting on Nov. 18 – 20 in San Diego. The success of Prop. 64 will be a major topic of discussion and we need to be there connecting with the many state legislators and government officials in attendance and the 300+ Executive Board members who have close working relations with the state legislators in their area.


state_legislature.jpgDon’t let the state legislators do to Prop. 64 what they did to Prop. 215. Our opponents and especially the police are already developing plans to rip the guts out of California’s bold entry into marijuana legalization.


cadem2016.jpgAt the CaDEM Executive Board meeting, we need display booth space and most importantly a meeting room to host Executive Board members and elected officials at the BMD-CA meeting where we can begin the dialogue and lay out the plans for implementation of Prop. 64 in a meaningful and effective way. If you can make it to San Diego, your presence at this meeting on Saturday, November 19 would be most welcome.


devil_in_details.jpgWe need to raise $2,000 and so far have only raised $135. Only three people have donated to make this happen. Passing Prop. 64 is only the beginning and the devil is in the details and if we are not there advocating for those details, all our efforts and work to pass this monumental initiative will be for naught.


donate___plant.jpgPlease CLICK HERE to make that donation. We need to reserve our space by this Friday, November 11 so time is of the essence. Whether you can donate $5, $50 or $500, every donation helps to make this critical connection a success with the California Democratic Party and our state legislators.


donation_money_bills.pngDon’t let happen to 64 what happened to 215. Make your contribution now to BMD-CA and ensure a rational, fair and efficacious implementation of Prop. 64 – CLICK HERE now or send a check made out to BMD-CA to BMD-CA, PO Box 739, Palm Springs CA 92263.





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  • Richard Laeton - Balaram
  • Paul Aguilar
  • David Peterson
  • Sharon Uyeoka
  • R.E. Carsch
  • Ted Norton
  • Felicia Harder
  • Humberto Fregoso
  • Morgan Goodwin
  • Michelle Hogan

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