YES!! – Brownie Mary needs you to volunteer your esteemed and valuable services for the Brownie Mary Democratic Club’s booth in the Exhibit Hall and Hospitality Suite at the California Democratic Convention at the Anaheim Convention Center on Friday, May 15 and Saturday, May 16.
And you don’t even have to be a Democratic to do it.
This is going to be an exciting convention. With Elizabeth Warren, Barney Frank and a legion of California Democratic notables in attendance, it is going to be truly rousing convention. For more info on the convention CLICK HERE.
If you have never been to a state Democratic Convention or any party convention – here’s your opportunity to go as it is in our neck of the woods.
Here’s what BMDC is doing at the convention and where your help is needed.
Get BMDC to the 2015 CA DEM State Convention
The Brownie Mary Democratic Club is the first marijuana interest group ever to be officially chartered by a major political party. With six clubs chartered by their local county Democratic Central Committees in Alameda, Los Angeles, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino and San Francisco Counties, the club has become a major presence within the California’s Democratic Party.
First chartered in 2012, the BMDC has compiled a stellar list of accomplishments. The club sponsored a marijuana legalization plank that was adopted into the California Democratic Party platform and has received observer status on Lt. Governor Newsom’s Blue Ribbon Committee on Marijuana Regulation and Taxation. Intimately involved in Democratic Party politics, the BMDC has formed coalitions with outside groups, organizations, and businesses and had the most popular Exhibit Booth at the 2014 California Democratic Convention, meeting and interacting with literally thousands of Democratic delegates, activists and officeholders.
At election time, democratic candidates from the Governor’s office on down come to the State Party for help in supporting their candidacy and most importantly getting out the vote. We raise funds and provide volunteers to elect Democratic candidates and support the Democratic Party. In so doing we develop a direct line to the Party that governs California - the largest state political party in the nation
There are seven million seven hundred thousand registered Democrats in California and as a chartered organization we speak to them directly through the Democratic Party. No matter your position on Proposition 19, it probably would have passed if the Democratic Party came out as strongly for its passage as it just did for Proposition 47, the drug law reform initiative, which won with 58% of the vote despite being strongly opposed by law enforcement.
We are working within the Democratic Party to represent the interests of the marijuana consumer and the marijuana industry. To do that work, we need financing to develop a professional organization and to pay expenses to send representatives to Sacramento, Democratic political conferences and appearances before legislative committees, commissions and boards.
One of the most important ways to reach elected officials and increase the club’s presence in the Democratic Party is through the state party conventions. To that end the Brownie Mary Democratic has had exhibit booths at the last two California state Democratic Conventions and we are planning on having one at the 2015 Convention at the Anaheim Convention Center May 15-17.